Nicolle Perras

NicollePerrasNicolle Perras has worked at the intersections of public and mental health for 20 years conducting research, data surveillance, program development and evaluation. Her areas of expertise include suicide prevention, mental and behavioral health, the impact of trauma on health and wellbeing, trauma informed care and healthcare utilization, vicarious trauma and staff wellbeing, and connecting the dots between multiple forms of violence.

Nicolle currently works for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, addressing the prevention of gender-based violence (intimate partner violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and the commercial and sexual exploitation of children). She examines these public health issues through their intersections with mental health, chronic disease management, healthcare utilization, trauma informed service delivery and systems, and overall population health and wellness.

Nicolle received her BA and MPH from UCLA, and is also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) in Los Angeles, California.