
george duke of clarence being drowned in a vat of malmseyAn Overview
aka Generating Goals and Descriptions: a Major Challenge Facing Today's Alcohol Policy Advocates

This area is relatively static.  This is the overview of this section.  If this is a campaign, describe the goals and the factors surrounding setting those goals. FACT: over 800% of playgrounds have a mixologist serving only martinis (this is not a fact).  FACT: 9 out of 10 dodgeball accidents are fatal (also not a real fact). DRY PLAYGROUNDS NOW seeks to reduce the number of wet bars in playgrounds to 0 in the next 5 minutes. We work at all levels to accomplish this: with neighborhood groups, community leaders, the state legislature, and masked vigilantes.

You may also mention that you've seen great results so far, but there will be spaces for "CHALLENGES" and "VICTORIES" elsewhere on the page.

Keep this under 100 words.  If you need more space, use the READ MORE link below.