CAPA 1st Annual Summit Report

California Alcohol Policy Alliance

1st Annual Summit

Friday, November 4, 2016 | Los Angles
Break out session notes

What changes would you like to see in ABC licensing that could stem from changes at the state level?

Mandatory RBS training
Required ABC LEAD training for both on/off sale at issuances of license (5)
Restore ABC advisory board to certify RBS trainings (3)

Revisions to licensing criteria
Modify license transfer process (3)
Strictly define/eliminate PCN and not allow licenses in high crime/overconcentrated areas (3)
Mandatory distance from (or no licenses near) schools, daycares, etc (2)
Mandatory signage on harms and how to get help
Make a craft brewery retail license (not just a manufacturing license)
More detailed definitions of license types to decrease morphing
Density caps
Apply all new rules retroactively
Annual (surprise) compliance checks for each license
Incentivize healthy choices/product options
Eliminate preemption

Increase fees and funding
Increase ABC funding to allow for more officers (possibly tie to a per license standard) (5)
Increase licensing fees to offset some of the prevention/harms costs (4)
Remove license fees from ABC funding, should come from General Fund (3)
Prevention tax on alcohol
Increase license fees for beer & wine

Hold ABC to higher standards
Increase transparency (2)
Follow their own rules and guidelines
Public commission that ABC answers to
Former ABC agents should not be allowed to become expeditors; 5 year cooling off period, etc
Increase pay or other incentives to retain ABC staff
No gifts from alcohol companies to ABC, parties, etc

Increase transparency and public engagement
Post conditions online and on site (4)
Dedicate ABC staff to focus on public participation in licensing process, “ABC Community Liaisons” (2)
Streamline public protest process
Increase access to community review process
Increase enforcement; cycle is too long
Increase user friendliness of ABC query system and website
More timely response to request from community for data
Local police and ABC need to work together
PCN to be public process and required attachment for license application
Translate public notices and conditions since English not necessarily accessible to all
Increase public posting time to allow for greater community awareness/input

What other changes are needed statewide to further prevent alcohol-related harms?

Single serves
Single serve ban (4)
Revise definitions of single serve products
Create language for craft brewery and single serve allowance

Charge for harm
Raise excise tax to fund prevention, education, support services (treatment, etc) (4)
Prevention tax
Flat fee per drink
More funding for state/local prevention
More funding/access for treatment centers

Restrict/Ban ads on public/state property (3)
Regulate advertising in other media (2)

Business- or license-related
Accountability for servers/businesses for patrons impaired driving (dram shop laws)
Create a new license type that holds event promoters and limo companies accountable
Extend liability to manufacturers
No alcohol sold at gas stations
Ban certain products from sensitive areas
Limit signage on windows
Standard hours of sale to end at midnight
Prohibit importing of alcohol licenses from other areas

Information and education
(Mandatory) prevention education to start in elementary school (4)
Statewide messaging campaigns to parents to reduce social norms of underage drinking (2)
Update reports/education
Increase positive messaging campaigns (positive consequences of NOT using versus harms of using)
Increase accessibility to alternative activities for youth (subsidized by the Alcohol Industry)
Update real alcohol education to educate consumers on standard servings of each type of drink
Mandatory university curriculum
More recognition for designated drivers and incentives
Broaden definition of “harm”
Ban alcohol industry from creating “prevention” content and messaging

Reduce BAC to .05 (2)
Raise drinking age to 25
Individuals to have own LEAD training before they can apply for alcohol-related job (like cosmetology license)
Decriminalize offenses
State Social Host Ordinance
State parks to be “no drugs or alcohol” zones