Alcohol Justice

The San Rafael Alcohol and Drug Coalition (SRADC) unites youth and adult groups to discourage youth alcohol, marijuana, opioids and prescription drug abuse. We use environmental prevention strategies to build youth leadership, support alcopop-free zones, promote safe and accountable stores, work to reduce alcohol and marijuana use among underage youth, and work to reduce opiate and prescription drug abuse. We focus on the Canal District neighborhood and all of San Rafael. Our work is culturally competent, reflecting our diverse membership and the needs of the community. SRADC meetings and publications are bilingual in Spanish and English. This project is funded by a Drug Free Communities grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, with additional support from the Marin County Health and Human Services Agency. SRADC participates in the Marin Prevention Network.

Alcopops are heavily flavored, heavily sugared, often high-ABV (alcohol by volume) alcoholic beverages. They are among the most popular first drink for many youth. The Alcopop-Free Zone project used youth representatives to engage the San Rafael Canal community, educate retailers, and get alcopops off of store shelves.


Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder includes bupernorphine among other medications. It offers the best opportunity for people who use opioids to live long, healthy lives, but only if they have access to it. Geographic, economic, and language barriers further complicate individuals’ efforts to obtain this life-saving treatment. The MAT Access Project/Proyecto Latino TAM works to educate the Latinx community of Marin on the dangers of opioids, and promote culturally competent MAT services for those who needs it.


Within liquor, grocery, and drug stores, good retail practices can not only make it harder for youth to obtain alcohol, but make youth less interested in drinking. Youth Action for Safe Stores (YASS) develops youth leaders who can evaluate stores’ retail practices, engage with business owners, and promote best retail practices throughout San Rafael.

SRADC Leadership

Andy Basto, Co-Facilitator, Youth for Justice

Mark Dale, Founder, Families 4 Safer Schools

Wilibaldo Pulido, Owner, La Plaza Market

Gilberto León, Journalist, Univision

Greg Knell, President, San Rafael City Schools District

Zaida Bejarano, Consejo Restaurativo de Marin

Eric Olson, Director of Probation Services, Marin County Probation Department

Oscar Esquivel, Pastor, Iglesia Gracia Manifiesta

Katya McCulloch, Artist, TeamWorks Art Mentoring Program

Marcianna Nosek, PhD, Associate Professor, Unversity of San Francisco School of Nursing and Health Professions

Matt Willis, MD, Public Health Officer, Marin County Health and Human Services

Kathleen Koblick, Director, Marin Health and Human Services Public Health Division

Eric Bejarano, Intern, Alcohol Justice

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