Alcohol Justice

Alcohol Justice is holding weekly study hall hours in which youth of the community come as they are, get assistance with homework, and participate in pro social activities. From AP English to 6th grade math, to our 15 minutes silent sustained reading, we foster a safe environment where kids learn to work hard and play hard. We bring youth the tools to succeed and reward them for investing in their schoolwork, their mental health, and physical health.
Tutorial: Tuesdays and Wednesdays @4P.M.
Our students range from 3rd grade to 11th(Junior year of High School). Servicing students from Bahia Vista, San Pedro Elementary, Davidson Middle School, Sinaloa Middle School and San Rafael High School. We are actively growing and expanding our reach throughout Marin County to give students the opportunity the achieve academic success.
Our tutorial program provides a structed and supportive environment with all the resources available for educational success and academic support.
Each tutorial provides tutors, materials to complete homework and a quiet space for youth to complete schoolwork and read. Youth come prepared with their homework assignments, textbooks and any other material provided by their school.
This program provides a valuable tool in youth’s academic journey by providing support and tools they need to be successful and thrive in academic environments.
Art Wednesdays
Our students range from 3rd grade to 6th grade. Servicing students from Bahia Vista, San Pedro Elementary and Davidson Middle School.
The art program provides an opportunity for youth to foster self-expression, ignite creativity and engage in discussions related to art education. Our students design their own artwork, murals and other creations and engage in discussions regarding the inspiration of their work.
Our art program enriches a students’ life by fostering a love for art and creativity while improving one’s mental health through various art experiences and ultimately sharing their work with community members and family.
Please check back soon to learn more about our work with young people and their families in the Canal District of San Rafael, California.


A Clean Community for a Clean Mind


Our “Minga” events are part of the Youth for Justice “A Clean Community for a Clean Mind” project. “Minga” is an Indigenous Kichwa word for a day of collective volunteer work. This project is creating a healthier community for all through the power of collective action to address the issues of alcohol- and drug-related litter and trash that fills the Canal District of San Rafael.

An example of environmental prevention in action, Minga participants are removing alcohol products from the streets, walkways, and footpaths that youth and families use in the Canal neighborhoods. By removing alcohol-related trash in our community from the line of sight of children we are reducing their exposure to harmful products and reducing the normalization of Alcohol.

YFJ Summer Academy 2020

The 7th Annual Youth For Justice Summer Academy concluded in August 2020. Because of the hazards posted by CoVID-19 and the specific risk of spread in vulnerable communities, the academy was conducted remotely via Google Meets. Nonetheless, the youth were active, enthusiastic participants, and YFJ is excited to meet the next wave of community leaders.

Read the 2020 YFJ Academy Wrapup


Follow YFJ on Facebook and join the youth of the San Rafael Canal District as they work for a healthy and thriving neighborhood.

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YFJ Summer Academy 2020

The 7th Annual Youth For Justice Summer Academy concluded in August 2020. Because of the hazards posted by CoVID-19 and the specific risk of spread in vulnerable communities, the academy was conducted remotely via Google Meets. Nonetheless, the youth were active, enthusiastic participants, and YFJ is excited to meet the next wave of community leaders.

Read the 2020 YFJ Academy Wrapup

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Follow YFJ on Facebook and join the youth of the San Rafael Canal District as they work for a healthy and thriving neighborhood.

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